How grateful I’m!

Yashaswi Nellithaya
3 min readFeb 13, 2023

How grateful I’m!

How grateful I’m to be born a girl!

How grateful I’m that I was celebrated when I was born!

How grateful I’m to be always given a choice to do what I wished to do!

How grateful I’m that people called me pretty and cute growing up, not strong and competitive!

How grateful I’m to be born a child of my parents yet not have to bear the responsibility for them!

How grateful I’m not to have roamed all around at random times alone!

How grateful I’m that I have been told you are no different!

How grateful I’m to choose the study of my interest because I had to stay home and not outside!

How grateful that I’m educated!

How grateful I’m that I don’t have to go out on solo trips and hence my life is safe!

How grateful I’m that I can choose the partner of my choice!

How grateful I’m that I’m given the freedom to fall in love!

How grateful I’m to put my marriage expense on others and I do not have to worry!

How grateful that my partner would get an educated, earning woman!

How grateful that my partner would be happy because I manage both house and work!

How grateful I’m that I do not have to worry about earning a penny!

How grateful that I can make the family tree grow!

How grateful I’m that my in-laws are not cruel compared to others!

How grateful I’m that my in-laws do not seek money from my parents as a dowry!

How grateful I’m that my in-laws appreciate everything I do for them!

How grateful that I got so much freedom to do whatever I want even after being married!

How grateful I’m to be able to have an in-law who lets me go to my parents when I want to!

How grateful that I’m allowed to work after marriage!

How grateful that I’m blessed with a man who is letting me support my family even after marriage!

How grateful I’m to have let not follow all the rituals because they are pity on me!

How grateful I’m that I was given an opportunity to stay away from my in-laws!

How grateful I’m that I can still wear sleeveless tops and jeans even after being married!

How grateful that I’m choosing a baby over my career!

How grateful I’m that I have so much freedom in choosing if I want to have a baby of my own or not!

How grateful I’m that my mother need not have to worry about me during my pregnancy!

How grateful I’m that my baby is not just mine but the family’s and they choose everything for him/her!

How grateful I’m that I was blessed with a baby girl and family accepted her!

How grateful I’m that my baby girl is treated just like princes until she is married!

How grateful I’m that my baby girl is taught to learn the life skills such as cooking and cleaning!

How grateful I’m that I have the complete right in choosing everything I want for my baby!

How grateful I’m!

How grateful I’m for the life I’m blessed with!

How grateful I’m to be born a woman!

How grateful I’m that my life is full of happiness!

How grateful I’m that my life is full of blessings!

How grateful I’m that everybody gives me freedom for my life!

How grateful I’m!

How grateful I’m!

How grateful I’m!



Yashaswi Nellithaya

Software Engineer, Books Addict, Strong believer of Kindness , Compassion and Peace .Smile is my only real identity!