Embrace the uniqueness!

Yashaswi Nellithaya
3 min readFeb 7, 2021

Rolling on the bed from left to right and vice versa at 2:30 in the morning( Thanks! I don’t have insomnia, I just overslept afternoon 😃); unable to sleep yet badly want to sleep, remembering the sequence of events from past ( I guess that’s what half the world is struggling with). One such event made my eyes and heart go cold, infact it makes me feel so each and every time I remember. It’s so strange how I can’t forget how I felt then. Remembering one of my favourite quotes of all the time “ People will forget what you said or what you did but will never forget how you made them feel", that’s why I believe it’s important for each one of us to be kind and compassionate.

Do you believe that you and I are different. We have a different looks, different personalities, different likings, different choice, literally everything is different. The charmness you possess I’m hardly good at and the madness I developed is shyness for you. That’s what we are, We are UNIQUE. Each one of us are. And that’s why we are different. Yet the world expect you and I to be alike. Yet world expect that I do the things you do and you do the things I do. Yet world allows me to follow your path and you to mine, not our own.

When my choice of ice cream is butterscotch which is different than your favourite chocolate is totally acceptable, why isn’t my choice of life is strange, wierd,mad and uncultured over yours. When my favourite color is white while yours is blue is totally acceptable, why is my way of living and my way of handling struggles is stupidity over yours. Why there is always a comparison of my life with yours when there is absolutely no comparison over my choice of ice cream flavour over yours. I feel world is so strange!

Why is it so much difficult for us to accept who we are and to accept who others are. Why it is so much difficult for us just relax and chill out when someone else deciding how they wants to live, after all we don’t bother and get mad when other choose green dress over white or choose chocolate ice cream over butterscotch. Why does others life matters so much for us that we bring so much of madness and negativity around. Why we always set a benchmark for being good or being bad or what to wear or what not to wear or what to do or what not to do! Why couldn’t world be simple, kind, humble and warm where all we could care is about others happiness along with ours. Why couldn’t we just sit back, take a sip of our favourite drink and say “I’m happy they are living thier life and I’m happy that’s making my life happy"! It’s important to understand and be mindful of what we say and how we say because like I mentioned people will never forget how they “Felt" when you said or did so!

I repeat “There is a reason you and I are different! Embrace the UNIQUENESS”

#beingUnique #kindness #acceptanace



Yashaswi Nellithaya

Software Engineer, Books Addict, Strong believer of Kindness , Compassion and Peace .Smile is my only real identity!